At Calvary Christian School, your child’s academic success is a top priority. The academic program has been carefully designed to help your child learn the fundamental skills needed to succeed academically at all levels. A strong academic foundation combined with character development and a Christian worldview benefit your child in all areas of life.
Our program focuses on fundamental skills such as critical thinking, communication, writing, problem solving, and math. Our curriculum is practical and faith based. Every teacher has a profession of faith, is living for the Lord, and is actively serving in our local church. Each staff member desires to mentor children and grow them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord while equipping them with the tools essential for excelling academically. With a 10:1 student-to-teacher ratio (2019), each student is able to get help when needed and will not get lost in the masses.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our educational process, students participate in standardized testing each year. Parents receive a copy of the results so that they can follow their child’s progress, and the appropriate staff members use the scores to improve their program. Each year our students consistently test well above the national average on their annual standardized exams.
A combination of live teachers and online instruction come together to deliver a high-quality education. Online video lessons taught by master teachers supplement live classroom instruction. Through the videos, students get to visit places they might never see and experience science experiments done in well-equipped labs. Puppets and other costumed characters keep the elementary students’ attention throughout various lessons. Even during video lessons, a live teacher is always available to answer student questions and expand upon the lessons covered by the online teacher.
Our junior high and high school program is considered a college-preparatory program, helping each student prepare for the future. The program focuses on helping the students be prepared to succeed in college, so foreign language, science, and the fine arts are required of every individual. Those high school students who want to get a head start on college have the opportunity to take dual credit college courses through Bob Jones University and Maranatha Baptist University, both of which are regionally accredited, and, thereby, the students gain college credit before graduating from high school.
A well-rounded education is not found just in textbooks, though. Sports, the fine arts, and other extracurricular activities are also part of the entire educational process. Calvary Christian School provides educational field trips to museums, local businesses, local and state parks, and more, broadening the students’ experiences. Art classes are offered weekly for the elementary and on rotation for the upper grades. Music is a regular part of every child’s education, and each student has an opportunity to perform live during our Christmas and spring concerts. These concerts also offer opportunities for the children to participate in drama with live, onstage performances. Since Calvary is a part of the Golden State Association of Christian Schools, everyone from grades 1 through 12 has the opportunity to compete in speech, spelling, music, art, and more. These competitions push the students to improve and rise to a new level of performance both academically and artistically, all while keeping God at the center.
Even our sports program is centered around the Lord. The junior high and high school boys and girls have the opportunity to play competitive basketball, volleyball, and flag football. Although winning is enjoyable, having a Christ-like attitude both on and off the field or court is emphasized as more important. The hand-eye coordination and teamwork gained through playing sports are undeniable benefits as well.
Whether on the field, on the stage, or in the classroom, Calvary Christian School keeps Christ at the center of everything and quality as the goal. We are committed to delivering strong academics with an emphasis on the Bible and on character development so that our graduates are an asset to the family, their employer, our country, and the church. We are training souls for the future.
To get more information or to schedule an Educational Success Consultation, contact us today.